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Spacewar! game on a DEC PDP-1 minicomputer
Spacewar! game play
The System Browser
Spacewar! class category
Installed Package window
Equations of the accelerations, speed and position
Class methods in Float
Instance methods in Float
Browse String
Browse the String
Spacewar! torpedoes around
Select EllipseMorph
from a
Drag construction handle to change size
A larger ellipse
Obtain a BoxedMorph
Make the rect a submorph of the ellipse
Middle-Click for construction handles
Middle-Click again to descend into submorphs
Add instance specific behavior
Move submorph within its parent
Pick a submorph out of its parent
Inspect instance variables of the ellipse
Use Inspector to set border color and border width
Obtain a ColorClickEllipse
Update’s inheritance button
Details of our line morph
A variety of triangle morphs, one decorated with its halo and coordinates system
Animated morph
An animated and clipped submorph triangle
A clock morph
Declaring unknown variables as instance variables in current class
with instance variables added
A fancy clock morph
A star with a fluctuating size
Space ship diagram at game start-up
Torpedo diagram at game start-up
The class side of the System Browser
The display bounds of a space ship
Spacewar! effect depending on the keyboard focus
Cuis-Smalltalk informs about lost changes
Manually select the changes to file in
The Change Sorter, class edit
The Change Sorter, method edit
The File List tool, to install a change set and more
Change List tool to review modifications to the image
Installed Packages Browser
New Package – Morphic-Learning
Select package (or Cuis base version) to require
Saved package – Morphic-Learning
Change Sorter, supplementary method to core
Package with extension to the Integer
class of the
system class
Environment of an image started with the set up script
Inspecting a ZeroDivide
Names of files and directories in a Directory
Debug It
Step Into
Viewing Focus Object and Temporaries
Step Over Breakpoint
Senders of left
Rename left
Rename in Category
Results of Renaming
Senders of nose
Rename nose
to noseDirection
Several rectangle morphs