I am an example with a caption and a result
The traditional ’Hello World!’ program
Multiple lines
Concatenate strings
Calculating the number of entities
Calculating the number of classes
Ship velocity
Cascade of messages
Stop and teleport spaceship at a random position
Testing on integer
Computing the gravity force vector
Asking the class of an instance
Aligning a torpedo with its velocity direction
Rounding numbers, Workspace try out
Interval loops (for-loop)
Throwing a die 5 times
Teleport ship
Integer represented by different bases
Counting like the ancients
Shifting bits
Computer dyscalculia!
Calculation is correct using fractions!
Twelve apples
class with its instance variables
Method template
A method returning a constant
Initialize the spaceship
Dynamic size collection
Set operations
Select prime numbers between 1 and 100
Quantity of prime numbers between 1 and 100
Collect cubes
Simple cipher
A for loop
A repeat loop
Collection with a fixed size
Collection access to elements
Collection with a variable size
Adding, removing element from a dynamic array
Set collection
Set, without duplicates
Convert dynamic array
Dictionary of colors
Incomplete game initialization
Torpedo mechanics
Space ship mechanics
Space ship direction method
Space ship gravity
Regular refresh of the gameplay
Collision between the ships and the Sun
SpaceWar! key stroke
Compute divisors
Implementations of ifTrue:ifFalse:
Implementing negation
Ship lost in space
Initialize SpaceWar
Ship controls
Firing a torpedo from a space ship in motion
Collision between the ships and the torpedoes
Edit the behavior of this morph from its Inspector
Edit the state of this ellipse from its Inspector
Complete code to initialize the Spacewar! actors
Mobile in the game play
Calculate the gravity force
’s update:
Bounds of our Morph objects
Test when a mobile is “spaced out”
Initialize overriding in the Mobile
Delete all instances of a given morph
Drawing the clock dial
Central star extent
A star with a fluctuating size
Space ship drawing
an instance variable in Mobile class
Initialize a class
A class instance variable value is not shared by the subclasses
a class variable in Mobile
Vertices returned by an instance method
Collision (rectangle overlapping) between the ships and the Sun
Collision (pixel precision) between the ships and the Sun
Spacewar! keyboard focus effect
Keystroke to control the first player ship
Change set contents
Ensure a FileStream is closed
Capture thisContext
Names of Directory Entries
Halt: Set a Breakpoint