Appendix H Conceptual index

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Index Entry  Section

. Source Code File
.st: Source Code File

Array: Fun with collections
array, dynamic: Fun with collections
array, operation: Fun with collections
array, size: Fun with collections
array, statistic: Fun with collections
Array: Collections detailed
array, static: Summary of Syntax
array, dynamic: Summary of Syntax

backtick: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
bits shifting: Kernel-Numbers
block: Fun with collections
block, parameter: Fun with collections
block: Block syntax
block, parameter: Block syntax
block, local variable: Block syntax
block, assigned to a variable: Block syntax
block, ensure:: Inspecting the Unexpected
block: Summary of Syntax
boolean: Control flow with block and message
browser: A brief introduction to the system Browser
browser, class category: A brief introduction to the system Browser
browser, invoke from Workspace: A brief introduction to the system Browser
browser, class category (new): Spacewar! models
browser, hierarchy: String -- a particular collection
browser, protocol: String -- a particular collection

Caesar cipher: Fun with collections
cascade of messages: Message send definitions
cascade of messages: Summary of Syntax
change log: The Change Log
change set: The Change Set
character, ascii: Message to string entities
character, Unicode: Message to string entities
character: Kernel-Text
character: Summary of Syntax
class: Communicating entities
class, category: A brief introduction to the system Browser
class, declaration: A brief introduction to the system Browser
class, comment: A brief introduction to the system Browser
class, category: A brief introduction to the system Browser
class, category (new): Spacewar! models
class, create (new): Spacewar! models
class: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
class, inheritance: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
class, method: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
class, inheritance: String -- a particular collection
class, protocol: String -- a particular collection
class, category: String -- a particular collection
class, abstract: Collections detailed
class, instance variable: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
class, initialize: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
class, class: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
class, variable: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
class, category: The Package
collection, inject:into:: Communicating entities
collection, shuffled: Message to string entities
collection, squared: Fun with collections
collection, dynamic: Fun with collections
collection, OrderedCollection: Fun with collections
collection, add:: Fun with collections
collection, at:: Fun with collections
collection, last: Fun with collections
collection, indexOf:: Fun with collections
collection, set operations (union, intersection, difference): Fun with collections
collection, select:: Fun with collections
collection, enumerator mechanism: Fun with collections
collection, collect:: Fun with collections
collection, collect:: Fun with collections
collection, pairsDo:: Fun with collections
collection: Collections detailed
collection, fixed size: Collections detailed
collection, instantiate array: Collections detailed
collection, access element: Collections detailed
collection, variable size: Collections detailed
collection, instantiate variable size array: Collections detailed
collection, Set: Collections detailed
collection, convert: Collections detailed
collection, Dictionary: Collections detailed
command line option, -s (run a script): Daily Workflow
comment: Summary of Syntax
control flow: Control flow with block and message
control flow, test: Control flow with block and message
control flow, loop: Control flow with block and message
coordinates: Spacewar! States and Behaviors

Dictionary: Collections detailed

event, testing: Building your specialized Morph
event, handling: Building your specialized Morph
event, classes: System Events
event, testing: Overall Mechanism
event, handling: Overall Mechanism
event, mouse: Spacewar! Events
event, testing, mouse over: Spacewar! Events
event, handling, mouse enter: Spacewar! Events
event, handling, mouse-enter: Spacewar! Events
event, keyboard: Spacewar! Events
event, testing, keyboard: Spacewar! Events
event, handling, keyboard: Spacewar! Events
exception: Inspecting the Unexpected
execution stack: The Debugger

false: Pseudo-variables
Fibonacci sequence: Fun with collections
file: The Debugger
file extension, .st: Source Code File
file extension, .st.pck: Source Code File
float (see number): Summary of Syntax

garbage collection: Communicating entities

halt: Halt!

initialize: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
instance: Communicating entities
instance: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
instance, creation: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
instance, method: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
instance variable: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
integer (see number): Summary of Syntax
Interval: Kernel-Numbers

keyboard shortcut, select all code (Ctrl-a): Writing your first scripts
keyboard shortcut, executing code (Ctrl-d): Writing your first scripts
keyboard shortcut, execute and print result (Ctrl-p): Writing your first scripts
keyboard shortcut, find a class (Ctrl-f): A brief introduction to the system Browser
keyboard shortcut, browse a class (Ctrl-b): A brief introduction to the system Browser
keyboard shortcut, save code (Ctrl-s): Spacewar! models
keyboard shortcut, implementors of (Ctrl-m): Understanding Object Oriented Programming
keyboard shortcut, code completion (tab): Explore OOP from the Browser
keyboard shortcut, browse protocol (Ctrl-p): String -- a particular collection
keyboard shortcut, browse hierarchy (Ctrl-h): String -- a particular collection

literal, number: Writing your first scripts
loop, for: Kernel-Numbers
loop, for, step: Kernel-Numbers
loop, repeat: Kernel-Numbers
loop, for: Fun with collections
loop, for, step: Fun with collections
loop, repeat: Fun with collections
loop: Control flow with block and message

message, sender: Communicating entities
message, receiver: Communicating entities
message, send: Message send definitions
message, unary: Message send definitions
message, binary: Message send definitions
message, keyword: Message send definitions
message, precedence: Message send definitions
message, cascade: Message send definitions
message, composition: Message to string entities
message, setter: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
message, getter: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
message, unary: Summary of Syntax
message, binary: Summary of Syntax
message, keyword: Summary of Syntax
method: Communicating entities
method, category: A brief introduction to the system Browser
method, instance method: A brief introduction to the system Browser
method, class method: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
method, instance method: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
method, returned value (explicit): Understanding Object Oriented Programming
method, overriding: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
method, returned value (implicit): Understanding Object Oriented Programming
method, class method: Explore OOP from the Browser
method, instance method: Explore OOP from the Browser
method, category: Kernel-Numbers
method, category: Kernel-Text
method, variable: Fun with variables
method: Method syntax
method, creating: Spacewar!'s methods
moprh, legacy: The Fundamentals of Morph
morph, ellipse: Ellipse Morph
morph, halo: Ellipse Morph
morph, submorph: Submorph
morph, rectangle: Submorph
morph, properties: A brief introduction to Inspectors
morph, move/pick up: A brief introduction to Inspectors
morph, subclass: Building your specialized Morph
morph, vector, line drawing: Going Vector
morph, drawOn:: Going Vector
morph, movable: Going Vector
morph, delete: Going Vector
morph, location: Going Vector
morph, vector, filling area: Going Vector
morph, drawOn:: Going Vector
morph, rotationCenter: Going Vector
morph, animated: Going Vector
morph, step,wantsSteps: Going Vector
morph, morphPosition: Going Vector
morph, rotateBy:: Going Vector
morph, submorph: Going Vector
morph, clipsSubmorphs: Going Vector
morph, drawOn:: A Clock Morph
morph, drawOn:: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
morph, rotation:: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
morph, location: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
morph, world: Daily Workflow
mouse: Spacewar! Events

nil: Pseudo-variables
number, integer: Writing your first scripts
number, rational (fraction): Writing your first scripts
number, integer, roman: Writing your first scripts
number, integer, as words: Writing your first scripts
number, integer, base: Writing your first scripts
number, literal: Writing your first scripts
number, root: Messages to number entities
number, sqrt: Messages to number entities
number, squared: Messages to number entities
number, rational (fraction), operations: Messages to number entities
number, decimal division: Messages to number entities
number, integer, division: Messages to number entities
number, integer, division reminder: Messages to number entities
number, integer, odd: Messages to number entities
number, integer, even: Messages to number entities
number, integer, isPrime: Messages to number entities
number, integer, isDivisibleBy:: Messages to number entities
number, integer, gcd: (great common divisor): Messages to number entities
number, integer, lcm: (lest common multiple): Messages to number entities
number, rational (fraction): Understanding Object Oriented Programming
number, squared: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
number, abs: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
number, roundTo:: Kernel-Numbers
number, roundUpTo:: Kernel-Numbers
number, to:do:: Kernel-Numbers
number, to:do:by: Kernel-Numbers
number, integer, timesRepeat:: Kernel-Numbers
number, integer, atRandom: Kernel-Numbers
number, interval: Kernel-Numbers
number, to:: Kernel-Numbers
number, to:by:: Kernel-Numbers
number, integer, base: Kernel-Numbers
number, decimal: Kernel-Numbers
number, rational (fraction): Kernel-Numbers
number, convertion: Kernel-Numbers
number, to:do: Fun with collections
number, to:do:by:: Fun with collections
number, integer, atRandom: Block syntax
number, integer, atRandom: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
number, integer: Summary of Syntax
number, float: Summary of Syntax

OrderedCollection: Collections detailed
overriding: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
overriding: Spacewar! Morphs

package, create (new): Spacewar! models
package, save: Spacewar! models
package, tool: Spacewar! models
package, load, by graphic interface: Spacewar! models
package, load, by code: Installing a Package
package: The Package
package, requirement: The Package
package, prefix: The Package
package, system extension: The Package
Point: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
polymorphism: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
polymorphism: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
primitive: Summary of Syntax
protocol: String -- a particular collection
pseudo-variable, true: Pseudo-variables
pseudo-variable, false: Pseudo-variables
pseudo-variable, self: Pseudo-variables
pseudo-variable, super: Pseudo-variables
pseudo-variable, nil: Pseudo-variables
pseudo-variable, thisContext: Pseudo-variables
pseudo-variables: Pseudo-variables

receiver: Summary of Syntax
refactoring: Spacewar! Morphs
refactoring: Refactoring to Improve Understanding
returned value: Preface
returned value: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
returned value: Summary of Syntax

selector: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
self: Pseudo-variables
self: Pseudo-variables
sequence: Summary of Syntax
Set: Collections detailed
start-up script: Daily Workflow
string: Writing your first scripts
string, capitalized: Writing your first scripts
string, asUppercase: Writing your first scripts
string, concatenate: Writing your first scripts
string, character access: Message to string entities
string, Unicode: Message to string entities
string, indexOf:: Message to string entities
string, at:put:: Message to string entities
string, shuffled: Message to string entities
string, asArray: Message to string entities
string, sorted: Message to string entities
string: Kernel-Text
string, Unicode: String -- a particular collection
string, file entry: The Debugger
string: Summary of Syntax
subclass: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
super: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
super: Pseudo-variables
superclass: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
symbol: String -- a particular collection
symbol: Summary of Syntax

test: Control flow with block and message
thisContext: Pseudo-variables
tools, workspace: Installing and configuring Cuis-Smalltalk
tools, transcript: Writing your first scripts
tools, system browser: A brief introduction to the system Browser
tools, inspector: A brief introduction to Inspectors
tools, lost changes: The Change Log
tools, recent changes: The Change Log
tools, debugger: The Debugger
tools, debugger, breakpoint: Halt!
true: Pseudo-variables

Unicode: Message to string entities
Unicode: Message to string entities
Unicode: String -- a particular collection

variable, assignment: Preface
variable, instance: Understanding Object Oriented Programming
variable, assignment: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
variable, :=: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
variable, ←: Spacewar! States and Behaviors
variable: Fun with variables
variable, method: Fun with variables
variable, class instance: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
variable, class: Back to Spacewar! Morphs
variable, local: Summary of Syntax
variable, shared: Summary of Syntax
variable, local, declaration: Summary of Syntax
variable, assignment: Summary of Syntax

yourself: Message to string entities