Cuis-Smalltalk records any action occurring in the environment: the code you edit in the System Browser, the code you execute in a Workspace. Therefore, in the event of a Cuis-Smalltalk crash you can restore unsaved changes when you launch the same Cuis-Smalltalk image again. Let’s explore this feature with a simple example.
On a fresh Cuis-Smalltalk installation, first set the appropriate preference by
executing in a Workspace: Preferences at:
#checkLostChangesOnStartUp put: true
. Now create a new class category
named TheCuisBook
and within TheBook
items... (a)
... key in TheCuisBook
as a kind of Object
: select the
category then in the source code below edit the
class template to replace #NameOfClass
then save the class definition with
Open a Workspace, then key in the following code:
| myBook | myBook := TheBook new
Cuis-Smalltalk does not save code you key in the Workspace, but code you
execute. Let’s execute this code: Ctrl-a then Ctrl-p, the
Workspace prints the result: a TheBook
, an instance of a
Now kill Cuis-Smalltalk abruptly. On GNU/Linux, you can use the
command to terminate Cuis-Smalltalk by clicking at its window.
Now start Cuis-Smalltalk again, and it immediately informs you there are unsaved changes:
Figure 9.1: Cuis-Smalltalk informs about lost changes
From there you have three options:
Lost changes
window you are presented with the unsaved
changes, one per line, in chronological order, with the older ones
at the top of the list. You select each change (line) you want to
restore, then you apply your selection with the file in
Figure 9.2: Manually select the changes to file in
To file-in the changes related to the creation of the
class but not the executed code in the Workspace, select
the two lines related to class definition.
The contextual menu (mouse right click) of the Lost changes
window offers a lot of options to filter the changes. Useful when
the batch of lost changes is important.
In case you change your mind and you want to recover changes, do
...World menu → Changes...
Recently logged Changes...
The system presents you a list of image snapshots tagged with a date
stamp. Pick up the one occurring just before you lost your code,
most likely at the top of the list. Then in the Recent
window, you proceed as described earlier to cherry pick the
changes to restore.