You are already acquainted to the writing of simple methods for the Spacewar! game. We will write some more and learn how to categorize them.
We want to add the initialize
method to our SpaceWar
class. Of course we need to use the System Browser:
...World menu → Open...
As a reminder, proceed as follows (if necessary observe Figure 2.1):
Class Category
pane at the far left, scroll down
to the Spacewar!
category, then select it.
pane, select the class SpaceWar
button to expose the
instance side methods of the SpaceWar
class. It is the
default behavior of the browser anyway, so you can skip this step as
long as you have not clicked on the class
Method Category
pane, select the category
-- all --
. A method source code template shows up in the pane
messageSelectorAndArgumentNames "comment stating purpose of message" | temporary variable names | statements
The template comes in four lines: the method name, a comment, local variable declaration and statements. You can select all and delete it or edit each line of the template as needed.
In our case, we select it all and replace it with the
source code:
SpaceWar>>initialize "We want to capture keyboard and mouse events, start the game loop(step) and initialize the actors." super initialize. color := self defaultColor. self setProperty: #'handlesKeyboard' toValue: true. self setProperty: #'handlesMouseOver:' toValue: true. self startSteppingStepTime: self stepTime. self initializeActors
Example 5.7: Initialize SpaceWar
Accept (s)
The newly created method shows up in the Method
pane. You can
get it categorized automatically too: with the mouse, go over the
Method Category
pane ...right click →
categorize all uncategorized (c)
In the
class, add theteleport:
method as defined in Example 5.3 then categorize it in theevents
method category.
Exercise 5.3: Categorize a method
In a previous chapter, you wrote as an exercise simple implementation
of the control ship methods. The definitive
control methods of the SpaceShip
class are rewritten as:
SpaceShip>>push "Init an acceleration boost" fuel isZero ifTrue: [^ self]. fuel := fuel - 1. acceleration := 50 SpaceShip>>unpush "Stop the acceleration boost" acceleration := 0 SpaceShip>>right "Rotate the ship to its right" self heading: self heading + 0.1 SpaceShip>>left "Rotate the ship to its left" self heading: self heading - 0.1
Example 5.8: Ship controls
Observe the right
and left
methods, they are mostly
identical to the ones asked in Exercise 3.12. We don’t modify
directly the heading
attribute, we use the methods
and heading
to read and write this
Categorize the control methods in a newly created method category named
Exercise 5.4: Categorize control methods
Control will not be complete without the method to fire a torpedo. It is more complex to correctly initialize a torpedo. This is because a space ship is typically in motion, and in addition its heading and velocity are changing frequently. Therefore the torpedo must be set up according to the current space ship position, heading, and velocity before being fired.
SpaceShip>>fireTorpedo "Fire a torpedo in the direction of the ship heading with its velocity" | torpedo | torpedoes isZero ifTrue: [ ^ self]. torpedoes := torpedoes - 1. torpedo := Torpedo new. torpedo position: position + self nose; heading: self heading; velocity: velocity; color: self color muchLighter. owner addTorpedo: torpedo
Example 5.9: Firing a torpedo from a space ship in motion
Figure 5.1: Spacewar! torpedoes around
In a previous chapter we gave a small taste of the collision detection code between the space ships and the central star. It relies on iterator, block of code and control flow.
However we have other scenarios as ship-ship, torpedo-Sun and torpedo-ship collisions.
How will you write the method to detect the collision between the two ships and take action accordingly? (Adapt from Example 4.23).
Exercise 5.5: Ships collision
The detection between the two ships and the possible numerous torpedoes required two enumerators with nested blocks of code:
SpaceWar>>collisionsShipsTorpedoes ships do: [:aShip | torpedoes do: [:aTorpedo | (aShip morphPosition dist: aTorpedo morphPosition) < 15 ifTrue: [ aShip flashWith: Color red. aTorpedo flashWith: Color orange. self destroyTorpedo: aTorpedo. self teleport: aShip] ] ]
Example 5.10: Collision between the ships and the torpedoes
The last torpedo-Sun scenario collision is left as an exercise for you.
Write the method to detect the collisions between the torpedoes and the central star and take action accordingly. (Adapt from Example 4.23 and Example 5.10.)
Exercise 5.6: Collision between the torpedoes and the Sun