Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.
Cuis-Smalltalk syntax is minimal. Essentially there is syntax only for
sending messages (i.e., expressions) . Expressions are built up from a
very small number of primitive elements. There are only 6 keywords,
and there is no syntax for control structures or for
declaring new classes. Instead, nearly everything is achieved by
sending messages to objects. For instance, instead of an if-then-else
control structure, Smalltalk sends messages like #ifTrue:
objects. As we already know, new (sub)classes are
created by sending a message to their superclass.
• Syntactic elements: | ||
• Pseudo-variables: | ||
• Method syntax: | ||
• Block syntax: | ||
• Control flow with block and message: | ||
• Spacewar!'s methods: |