Whereas expressions may be evaluated anywhere in Cuis-Smalltalk (for example in a workspace, in a debugger, or in a browser), methods are normally defined in the System Browser window or in the Debugger. Methods can also be filed in from an external medium, but this is not the usual way to program in Cuis-Smalltalk.
Programs are developed one method at a time, in the context of a given class. A class is defined by sending a message to an existing class, asking it to create a subclass, so there is no special syntax required for defining classes. We are already farmiliar with this from previous examples.
Let’s take a another look to the method syntax when control flow is involved – our first explanation was Spacewar! States and Behaviors).
Here is the method keyStroke:
in the class SpaceWar
SpaceWar>>keyStroke: event "Check for any keyboard stroke, and take action accordingly" | key | key := event keyCharacter. event isArrowUp ifTrue: [^ ships first push]. event isArrowRight ifTrue: [^ ships first right]. event isArrowLeft ifTrue: [^ ships first left]. event isArrowDown ifTrue: [^ ships first fireTorpedo]. key = $w ifTrue: [^ ships second push]. ...
Example 5.1: SpaceWar! key stroke
Syntactically, a method consists of:
) and any arguments. Here event
is a
The evaluation of any expression preceded by a ^ (typed as ^)
will cause the method to exit at that point, returning the value of
that expression. A method that terminates without explicitly returning
the value of some expression will always return the current
value of self
Arguments and local variables should always start with lower case
letters. Names starting with upper-case letters are assumed to be
global variables. Class names, like Character
, for example,
are simply global variables referring to the object representing
that class.
As you might suspect from Example 2.2, Smalltalk allClasses size
sends the #allClasses
message to a dictionary named Smalltalk
As with any other object, you can inspect this dictionary. You can note a case of
self-reference here: the value of Smalltalk at: #Smalltalk
is Smalltalk