I am an example of an exercise
Middle placement
Concatenate and uppercase
Inverse sum
Capitalize number as words
Hello to Belle
Sum of the squares
Count of methods
Float class information
Cosine table
Multiply by 1024
Miscellaneous calculation errors with decimal numbers
Toward the infinite
Fix the errors
Select apples
Format a string
Instance variables of the Spacewar! protagonists
getter message
setter messages
Methods to control ship heading
Methods to control ship acceleration
Initialize central star
Cut a string
Negative integer numbers
Hole in a set
Odd integers
Number of prime numbers between 101 and 200
Multiples of 7
Odd and non prime integers
Cipher decode
Alphabet Caesar’s cipher
Encode with Caesar’s cipher
Decode with Caesar’s cipher
Access part of a collection
Fill an array
Add an element after
Color by name
Collections to hold the ships and torpedoes
Update all ships and torpedoes
Block to compute divisors
Implementing and:
and or:
Categorize a method
Categorize control methods
Ships collision
Collision between the torpedoes and the Sun
Make all Morphs
Refactoring SpaceShip
and Torpedo
Cross morph
Rectangle morph
A fancy clock
Gas exhaust drawing
Torpedo extent
Torpedo drawing
Space ship access to its diagram in class side
Draw on Mobile
Accurate collision detection
Get notified of mouse move-over event
Handle mouse enter event
Handle mouse leave event
Get notified of keyboard event
Keys to control the second player ship
Describe a package
Save Spacewar! package
Two class categories, one package
Renaming a method