Control Flow Messaging

Exercise 5.1

| divisors |
divisors := [:x | (1 to: x) select: [:d | x \\ d = 0] ].
divisors value: 60.
⇒ #(1 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 15 20 30 60)
divisors value: 45
⇒ #(1 3 5 9 15 45)

Exercise 5.2

Check the implementations in Boolean, True and False.

Exercise 5.3

Once the method is edited and saved, in the Method pane select its name teleport: then do ...right click → more...change

Exercise 5.4

In the Method pane, select one uncategorized control method, then do ...right click → more...change categorynew... key-in control.

To categorized the remaining uncategorized control methods, repeat but select control at the last step as this category now exists.

Exercise 5.5

We do not need an iterator to detect a collision between two ships. However we use an iterator to take action on each ship when a collision is detected.

| positionA position B |
   positionA := ships first morphPosition.
   positionB := ships second  morphPosition.
   (positionA dist: positionB) < 25 ifTrue: [
      ships do: [:each |
         each flashWith: Color red.
         self teleport: each]

Local variables only used to ease the code source formatting in printed book.

Exercise 5.6

You just need to pick the appropriate code snippets from the referenced exercise and examples.

| position |
   position := centralStar morphPosition.
   torpedoes do: [:each | 
      (each morphPosition dist: position) < 8 ifTrue: [
         each flashWith: Color orange.
         self destroyTorpedo: each]]